Nearly 90% of all of Africa’s sugarcane is grown in the wet climate of sub-Saharan Africa. The central region and western coast of Africa receive substantial amounts of rain, making Ultimate Agro’s network of farms prime real-estate for growing sugarcane.
The climate of sub-Saharan Africa is conducive to growing rice. The favorable temperatures, rich soil and plentiful rain make for ideal conditions for high yield harvests. Ultimate Agro has had great success in convincing growers to switch to rice. As consumer habits have changed to incorporate the nutritious, easy to grow and transport grain, it has become a cash crop for cultivation.
Sugarcane is an important crop for food and energy production, thanks to its capacity to accumulate high levels of sugar in its stems and its typical high-biomass yield. While sugarcane was first dedicated to sugar production, advances in technology have ensured that nowadays, all parts of the sugarcane plant can be converted into energy. To date, producing bioethanol from the sugar in sugarcane has been one of the world’s most commercially successful biofuel production systems. As a source of income and employment, sugarcane-based agriculture plays a role in in the economic development of Sub-Saharan Africa. Foodstuffs represents an urgent need for all African countries as the continent is heavily dependent upon imports and simultaneously faces rapid population growth. In these regions, locally produced sugar is an attractive option for addressing the production/consumption gap. This discrepancy in supply and demand can create favorable circumstances for bold farmers, with the support of Ultimate Agro at their backs. Sub-Saharan Africa’s tropical and subtropical climate is well-suited in many ways to expand sugarcane production, ensure food security, and diversify the energy economies of the region.