Refining oil from palm trees is blieved to have originated in the tropical soil of sub-Saharan Africa. It is only fitting that Africa then lead in the cultivation, production, and consumption of the nourishing golden brown and versatile oil.
The climate of sub-Saharan Africa is conducive to growing rice. The favorable temperatures, rich soil and plentiful rain make for ideal conditions for high yield harvests. Ultimate Agro has had great success in convincing growers to switch to rice. As consumer habits have changed to incorporate the nutritious, easy to grow and transport grain, it has become a cash crop for cultivation.
Oil palm has a limited climate zone conducive to cultivation. Originating in sub-Saharan Africa, the soil and hearty rains are the natural requisite amount and more than adequate to produce abudant harvests of the oil palm fruit. Ultimate Agro’s Consultants meet with local growers to offer education, improved cultivation methods, and access to tools that enhance productivity. We strive to improve the lives of our farmers, upon whom we all depend upon. The oil palm fruit is processed to produce a high-quality oil that is used primarily for cooking. The oil has the desired viscosity and attributes expected of a good cooking oil and has rich health benefits. Besides use to deep fry goods, it is also used in other foodstuffs, soap, beauty supplies and biofuel. Oil palm is a very productive and profitable crop due to high demand for palm oil and its byproducts. It offers a greater yield at a lower production cost than any other vegetable oil on the market. It is widely accepted that demand for palm oil will continue to increase rapidly.